Every Hair Product You Need As You Grow Your Hair Out

Every Hair Product You Need As You Grow Your Hair Out

You have decided to grow out your hair!!!!! Congratulations! It is a fun thing to grow your hair out. So many new hairstyles you get to play with. New ways of dying your hair including to much loved balayage and V-balayage (flame balayage or whatever the latest name for that is). Or you can go [...]

5 Steps to Longer, Stronger Hair Fast

5 Steps to Longer, Stronger Hair Fast

Long hair is viewed as a wonderful luxury in the modern era in many cultures. Is this not amazing! https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCfm4ShhhG/ Being able to get hair that long is an absolute labor of love and hate. My hair is 29" long. Here are my secrets to getting long, strong hair fast. 1.Deep Conditioning those end at [...]