Pollution and Skin Health

Pollution and Skin Health

An odd one to followup the review I did of the Dior One Essential Skin Boosting Serum, which is a great read if I do say so myself. I have no idea who to credit for these photos. I found it via a google search and it's just amazing to see the difference. One of [...]

Bathing Traditions in the French Court

Bathing Traditions in the French Court

The French Court: opulence, grandiose, the height of luxury. The source of absolute filth. But what one calls dirty is entirely in the eye of the beholder. What we can good hygiene today was largely impossible 200 years ago. Technology and medical knowledge we take for granted now didn't exist 200-400 years ago. Regardless of [...]

How to get Bikini ready skin for this summer

This year we aren't planning any major vacations except a long weekend in Corpus Christi, Texas to visit my husbands family. But with summer coming in hard and cruise season upon us, bikini weather is definitely right around the corner and for some of the jetset it's already here. Even in a landlocked state, I [...]

Ingredient Review: Curcumin otherwise known as Turmeric

Ingredient Review: Curcumin otherwise known as Turmeric

Recently Sunday Riley dropped their latest face oil C.E.O. Glow. If you follow them on IG (@SundayRiley) you may remember seeing this incredibly elaborate, dramatic, gorgeous, and rather entertaining daily breakdown of the active ingredients they wanted to highlight. Scroll to see the second picture if it doesn't show up for the completed breakdown otherwise [...]

70% off Challenge: Guerlain Abeille Royale Double R Serum

70% off Challenge: Guerlain Abeille Royale Double R Serum

Back with another dupe alert. Or attempted dupe I should say. I've actually really wanted to get my hands on this particular product. I've read reviews and those with dry and dehydrated skin have said the addition of this has helped. But at $215 my credit card wouldn't exactly enjoy that. Like most people I [...]

In Defense of the Double Cleanse

I have had the worst problem with my dry skin this year. Normally I can manage drinking more water, touching my face less, and using a humidifier. This year, however, has been murder. I had a quick back and forth with @myelsibeauty about double cleansing. She's of the mindset that it isn't worth it as [...]

Beauty Trends I Want to See End in 2019

There are lots of beauty trends that we saw explode over 2018, cut eyes then the glitter outline of the cut, but I'm going to cover not the fads that have/are phasing out but in general beauty standards that I'd love to see leave us in 2019. 1.Every Beauty/Fashion blogger overinflating their lips with fillers. [...]

Ingredient Review: Squalane vs Squalene

Ingredient Review: Squalane vs Squalene

Bay shark du du du du, baby shark du du du du du......... I've been sick as all get up during the holidays. It's currently sleeting and freezing rain and just gross. So I've been catching up on my beauty community tea. Kuckian cosmetics....... oh honey. It's absolutely ridiculous. So many videos and so much [...]

Dermaplaning: the T

Dermaplaning is the newer skincare regiment that has gone bananas. Let's go through the steps and see what's up with dermaplaning. Basically, your skin is cleaned and removed of all makeup. It's deep cleaned to get it as clean as physically possible. A secondary compound typically make of AHA is applied to the face in [...]