Honey in Skincare

Honey in Skincare

Honey as a skincare or treatment formulation has been used since the earliest civilizations. Ancient Egyptians used honey for it's antimicrobial properties and wound healing. They'd coat a wound with honey then bandage the wound. Not only does honey have antimicrobial properties, it's also been shown to promote the bodies own wound healing. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPDWZnBoE6/ Honey [...]

Dermaplaning: the T

Dermaplaning is the newer skincare regiment that has gone bananas. Let's go through the steps and see what's up with dermaplaning. Basically, your skin is cleaned and removed of all makeup. It's deep cleaned to get it as clean as physically possible. A secondary compound typically make of AHA is applied to the face in [...]

THE Moisture Barrier

THE Moisture Barrier

The omnipresent moisture barrier.  When you’re a baby that moisture barrier is insane.  It’s almost perfect.  The skin is soft and supple.  It’s why we have the saying ‘softer than a babies bum’ and we always seem to be trying to achieve that again.  That’s the one point in our life that most people have [...]