In Defense of the Double Cleanse

I have had the worst problem with my dry skin this year. Normally I can manage drinking more water, touching my face less, and using a humidifier. This year, however, has been murder. I had a quick back and forth with @myelsibeauty about double cleansing. She's of the mindset that it isn't worth it as [...]

Cannabis Skincare

Cannabis Skincare

As an Oklahoma native I was shocked that we passed medical marijuana this summer. If you're not from here you probably don't understand how ANTI-MJ the Oklahoma legislature has been. Our governor, who has the lowest approval rating of any state, has recently said she was open to the idea of CBD oils for epilepsy [...]

Winter Skincare Must Haves 2018

Winter Skincare Must Haves 2018

With the start of football (#WhoDat) also comes the beginning of fall.  Leaves are already starting to change in the north.  It’s snowing in parts of Colorado.  I guess the ski season might be looking really good this year.  With snow and lower temperatures comes the onset of dry air and a total overhaul of [...]